Tuesday, 15 November 2016

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

NAMNA YA KUOMBA Mwl. Mgisa Mtebe


Hatua na vipengele muhimu katika kuomba
MKARIBISHE ROHO MTAKATIFU. *Rum 8:26-27 *Yoh 14:16-17
Yesu alisema Roho Mtakatifu ni msaidizi wetu. Atatusaidia na kutufundisha yote, kwa maana pasipo yeye, sisi hatuwezi neno lolote. Na sisi peke yetu hatujui kuomba ipasavyo, bali yeye (Roho) ajua kutuombea kwa Mungu kama vile Mungu apendavyo. Hivyo kabla ya kuanza maombi au kusoma neno au ibada au safari au mitihani au kikao n.k. jifunze kujikabidhi kwa Roho Mtakatifu, uombe msaada wake, akupe ufanisi/ubora katika yote yakupasayo kufanya.
Tambua Utu wake, Uungu na Uweza wake.
Jikabidhi katika Nguvu ya Uongozi wake.
Tii kila Uongozi anaokupa.
FANYA TOBA NA UTAKASO. *Isa 59:1-2, Yoh 9:31, 1Yoh 1:8-9,7
Sikio la Bwana si zito kusikia wala mkono wake si mfupi kushindwa kututendea mambo tumwombayo, bali maovu yetu ndiyo yanatufarakanisha na Mungu wetu. Mungu hawasikii wenye dhambi. Hivyo chukua muda wa kutafakari na kuungama dhambi zako mbele za Mungu na kuzitubu kwa kumaanisha kuziacha. Mungu ni mwaminifu kutusamehe na kututakasa na uchafu wote. (Isa 1:18). Lakini, kabla hujafanya toba yako binfsi;
(i) – Kwanza, samehe wote waliokukosea, hata kama hawajaja
kukuomba msamaha. Usipowasamehe waliokukosea, na Mungu
hataweza kukusamehe wewe. (Math 6:12,14-15)
(ii) – Ndipo nawe ufanye toba yako binafsi. Na Mungu atakusamehe kabisa.
Hata kama ni nyekundu sana, zitakuwa nyeupe sana. (Isa 1:18, Isa 43:25)
Msifu Bwana kwa Matendo yake makuu, mwabudu Bwana kwa uzuri wake na kwa sifa zake. Mwadhimishe Mungu kwa Tabia zake, wema wake, fadhili zake na baraka zake mbalimbali anazotutendea. Sifa yako ikifika vizuri mbele za Mungu, ndipo atakuwa tayari kukupa haja za moyo wako. Haja zetu zimefichwa nyuma ya mgomgo wa sifa. Ndio maana Neno linasema;
‘Nawe utajifurahisha kwa Bwana (kwa kumsifu, kumwabudu na kumshukuru), naye atakupa
haja za moyo wako’ (Zab37:4).
Yesu anatuonyesha mfano; angalia sentensi yake ya kwanza katika kuomba kwake imekuwa “Baba yetu uliye mbinguni, Jina lako litukuzwe.” (Math 6:9). Anaanza maombi kwa kumsifu Mungu. Msifu Mungu kwa kuimba na kwa kunena/kusema/kuelezea. Mungu anataka kusifiwa na kutukuzwa. Ukifanya sifa nzuri, ya kuufurahisha moyo wake, atakupa hata na vile ambavyo hukutegemea/hukuomba.
4. MWELEZE MUNGU MAHITAJI NA HOJA ZAKO. *Wafilipi 4:6-7,19 Isa 43:26
Mweleze Mungu zile hoja zilizokusukumwa kwenda kumwomba. Nenda mbele za Mungu kama ‘kuhani’ (1Pet 2:9). Kwa unyenyekevu na heshima. Lakini kabla ya kumweleza mahitaji yako binafsi;
(i) Kwanza fanya ‘maombezi’ – ombea watu wengine; (1Tim 2:1-4)
Viongozi mbalimbali na wenye mamlaka, watumishi wa Mungu, marafiki zako, wenye shida, ndugu zako, nchi yako, shule yako, shirika lenu, ofisi yenu, chama chenu, n.k. Usianze kujiombea mwenyewe tuu, zoea kuwatanguliza wengine.
(ii) Kisha fanya ‘maombi yako’– ombea haja za moyo wako. (Math 7:7-11)
Mweleze Mungu haja zako. Ongea na Mungu kwa uwazi na ukweli. Japo anazijua haja zetu, lakini ameagiza kuwa tumwombe ndipo atafanya. ‘aombaye hupokea’ yaani; asiyeomba, hapati. Mungu anasema tumpelekee hoja zenye nguvu (Isa 41:21). Omba vitu vizuri na mambo makubwa ili upewe (pray for good things and big things)
5. FANYA MAOMBI YA VITA VYA ROHONI. *Efe 6:10-13 *2Kor 10:3-5
Baada ya kumwendea Mungu na kumweleza mahitaji yako, sasa simama kama ‘mfalme’, kwasababu wewe ni ‘mfalme’ (Ufu 5:8), tumia mamlaka yako ya kifalme, ongea na hali/hitaji ulilokuwa unaliombea, na kwa mamlaka, amuru iwe kama vile ulivyoomba/unavyotamani. Ndio maana Bwana Yesu alipokabidhiwa mamlaka yote na Mungu, naye akatukabidhi sisi (kanisa lake) “Tazama, nimewapa amri ya kukanyaga nyoka na nge na nguvu zote za yule adui. Wala hakuna kitakachowadhuru” (Luk 10:19, Yer 1:10, Yak 4:7). Tuma neno lenye mamlaka katika hali/jambo ulilokuwa unaliombea, Amuru iwe vile ulivyokuwa unamwomba Mungu iwe. Kemea kila roho ya shetani inayoweza kuwa inasababisha tatizo katika swala lako.
Baada ya kupiga vita vya kiroho, weka ulinzi katika yale uliyoyaombea, ili shetani na mapepo yake wasiweze kuirudia hali/jambo/mtu yule uliyemkomboa kwa maombi ya vita. Yesu alisema shetani akifukuzwa mahali, haendi mbali, anasubiri kuona kama atapata upenyo wa kuparudia mahali pale alipokuwa kwanza. (Math 12:43-45). Kwahiyo, usipoweka ulinzi, kuna uwezekano wa adui kurudi na kuliharibu zaidi lile jambo uliloliombea na kulipata.
Kumbuka, unapoomba vizuri, unapokea papo hapo (katika ulimwengu wa roho), lakini udhihirisho wake katika ulimwengu wa mwili, unaweza kuchukua muda fulani. Hivyo katika muda huo wa kusubiri, shetani anaweza akapita na kuzuia au kuharibu kile unachokisubiri kidhihirike katika ulimwengu wa mwili. Ndio maana Yesu alitufundisha kuombea ulinzi, “tuokoe na yule mwovu” (Math 6:13a). Weka ulinzi juu ya mambo yako yote. Jengea wigo wa moto wa mbinguni (2Fal 6:16-17), Yafunike kwa damu ya Yesu na agiza malaika walinzi walinde mambo yako masaa yote. Omba hivyo kila siku. (Zab 34:7, Zab 91:9-11, Ebr 1:13-14)
Yesu alianza maombi kwa kumsifu Mungu na kumtukuza. Na akamaliza maombi yake kwa kumtukuza Mungu tena. Akasema “kwa kuwa ufalme ni wako, na nguvu ni zako, sasa na hata milele” akamaliza. Kwahiyo nawe kwa kumaliza maombi yako, msifu na kumshukuru Mungu tena, kwa ukuu wake, uaminifu wake, na ahadi zake juu yetu. Ndipo ufunge maombi yako.
-Katika kuomba kwako, mara zote tumia maandiko kumkumbusha Mungu ahadi zake .(Isa 43:26). Mungu analiangalia neno lake ili alitimize. Sababu pekee itakayomfanya Mungu akupe alichoomba, ni ili kulitimiza neno lake. Hivyo, baada ya kumweleza unachohitaji (kwa ajili yako au kwa ajili ya mtu unayemwombea) mpe Mungu andiko/neno lake linalokupa wewe uhalali wa kuomba hicho kitu mbele zake na kupewa.
-Hata unapompinga na kumkemea shetani, baada ya kutoa amri yako dhidi yake, shetani atasubiri kusikia andiko/neno linalomnyima yeye uhalali wa kushika alichoshika. Ndio maana Yesu alimshinda shetani kwa neno la Mungu. Alisema “imeandikwa” na shetani akashindwa. “Nao wakmshinda (shetani) kwa damu ya Yesu na kwa Neno” (Ufu 12:11)
ili uweze kuomba kwa utulivu na kwa umakini, chagua au tafuta mahali pazuri
patakapokupa utulivu katika kuomba (concentration in prayer). Ndio maana Mungu
alipenda kuongea na Musa juu ya mlima. (Kut 24:12-18). Hata Yesu alizoea kwenda
kuombea mlimani, mahali palipo mbali na vurugu za watu, alipenda kwenda mlimani.
(Math 14:22-23). Tafuta mahali patulivu; chumbani, kanisani, mlimani (Math 6:5-6)
2. CHAGUA MUDA MZURI. *Mhu 3:1,7
Ili uweze kuomba kwa umakini mzuri, chagua muda mzuri ambao akili yako ma mwili
wako viko fresh. Usilazimishe kuomba hata kama akili yako au mwili wako umechoka sana. Kila jambo lina wakati wake. Kama umechoka sana, huo si muda wa kuomba, bali wa kupumzika. Usilazimishe ratiba. ni bora upumzike ili baadaye uweze kuomba vizuri baadaye. Usije ukajikuta unamkemea Yesu badala shetani. Penda kuomba wakati una nguvu ya akili na mwili, ili uwe makini kuongea na Mungu kwa akili timamu. Ndio maana Yesu alipenda kuamka alfajiri sana kwenda kuomba mlimani. (Mk 1:35, Luka 4:42)
3. OMBA KATIKA ROHO (NENA KWA LUGHA). *Efe 6:18, Rum 8:26-27
Mbinu nyingine nzuri ya kuomba kwa muda mrefu na kwa ufanisi, ni kuomba kwa Roho; yaani kuomba kwa kunena kwa lugha. Tunapoomba kwa akili za kibinadamu, Mungu anasikia pia, lakini maombi yako yanakuwa na mipaka / limited kwasababu akili ya mtu haijui kila kitu. Bali Roho wa Mungu anajua kila kitu. Naye hutupa kipawa cha kuomba kwa lugha ya mbinguni iliyo bora zaidi. (Yuda 1:20, Mk 16:17, 1Kor 14:1-4, 15-16,7)
Kufunga kula kunasaidia kudhoofisha mwili, ili roho iwe makini zaidi kuongea na Mungu kwa kina zaidi. Mwili huu siku zote haupendi kufanya mambo ya Mungu. Na mwili ukiwa umeshiba, unakuwa na uchovu na uzito wa kufanya mambo ya kiroho. Mbinu mojawapo ya kuudhibiti, ni kuunyima/kuupunguzia posho yake ya chakula. Mwili ukidhoofika kiasi, roho yako inapata nguvu na upenyo mzuri zaidi (Zab 35:13). Mashujaa wote wa imani walifunga na kuomba. Ndio maana Yesu anasema ‘mfungapo’ akimaanisha ratiba ya kufunga, ipo. Inasaidia.
Neno la Mungu linasema, ni heri wawili kuliko mmoja. Kuna faida ya kuomba pamoja na rafiki yako. Kwanza, mnapokuwa wawili au watatu, inaleta hamasa na ari ya kuomba zaidi. Si rahisi kujisikia mvivu unapokuwa na waombaji wenzako. Pili; nguvu ya kiroho inaongezeka. Neno linasema, mwombaji mmoja anafukuza adui elfu moja, bali wakiwa wawili, wanafukuza (sio elfu mbili) bali elfu kumi! Shangaa! (Kumb 32:20) Hiyo ni kanuni ya mbinguni/kanuni ya Ki-Mungu. Kadri mnavyoongezeka, nguvu ya Mungu huongezeka.
Kwahiyo, wakati mwingine, omba na rafiki yako, unayemwamini, unayeweza kumshirikisha mambo yako ya binafsi. Mashujaa wengi wa imani, walikuwa na marafiki wa kiroho. (Prayer Partners). Kwa Mfano:- Math 17:1-9
Musa – alikuwa na Joshua, Haruni na Huri
Eliya – alikuwa na Elisha
Daniel – alikuwa na Shadrack, Meshack na Abednego.
Yesu – alikuwa na Petro, Yakobo na Yohana.
Paul – alikuwa na Barnaba, Timotheo na Tito.
Wewe Je? Uko na nani katika urafiki wa kiroho?

Kama huna rafiki wa karibu wa kuomba naye, usikurupuke kujichaglia. Tulia umwombe Mungu akupe mtu atakayekuwa wa msaada kwako. Mtu mtakayefungamanishwa naye katika roho, hata kama mmetengana kijiografia, lakini katika roho, mko na umoja mzuri wa imani. (Math 18:18-19)
Katika kuomba kwa muda mrefu, mkao uliouzoea utakusaidia kwenda mwendo mrefu. Yakupasa kujua nguvu yako na udhaifu wako (strong point and weak point). Wakati wa kuomba, epuka mikao inayokuchosha haraka na tumia mikao inayokua nguvu zaidi. Kwa Mfano:- Ukiwa umechoka, usipende kuomba kwa kupiga magoti au kwa kuegemea kitandani. Ni bora uombe ukiwa umesimama au unatembea tembea, ili kuepuka usingizi na uchovu. Waombaji hodari wanaujua mikao inayowasaidia kuomba maombi marefu. Wengine hawana mikao maalum, bali wakiwa katika maombi, huwa wanabadilisha-badilisha mikao ili wasichoke. Hiyo ni mbinu nzuri pia.
Mifano ya Mashujaa wa imani;
Ibrahim – aliomba kwa kusimama (Mwa 18:22)
Daniel – aliomba kwa kupiga magoti (Dan 6:10)
Paul – aliomba kwa kupiga magoti (Efe 3:14)
Yesu – aliomba kwa kulala chini (Math 26:38-39)
Eliya – aliomba kwa kukaa chini na
kuweka kichwa kati ya miguu (1Fal 18:42)
Mimi – huwa napenda kuomba kwa kutembea tembea
Naweza kumaliza kilomita nyingi chumbani kwangu
Nikitembea huku nikiomba.
Wewe Je? Unaujua mkao wa nguvu? Kama hujui, Tafuta kujua.
Muziki wa kiroho, na wataratibu, unaweza kukutengenezea mazingira mazuri sana ya kuomba kwa muda mrefu. Muziki wa kuabudu, unavuta uwepo wa Mungu kwa namna ya pekee. Neno linasema, waimbaji na wanamuziki walipoimba na muziki ukapigwa, nao wakawa kama mtu mmoja, utukufu wa Mungu ukashuka na kulijaza lile hekalu hata makuhani hawakuweza tena kuhudumu (2Nyak 5:12-14). Kule mbinguni, kila malaika wa sifa, ana kinubi (zeze/gitaa). Elisha hakutoa unabii, mpaka mpiga kinubi alipopiga kwa ustadi, ndipo mkono wa Bwana (Roho wa Mungu) alipokija juu yake, naye akatabiri.
Najaribu kukuonyesha, kuna connection kati ya muziki wa kiroho na utukufu wa Mungu. Kwahiyo, ukiweza kuomba huku umeweka kanda au CD ya nyimbo za kiroho za taratibu, utapata (experience) hamasa ya kiroho (motivation) na utasikia una nguvu ya kuomba kwa muda mrefu. Kama unaweza, tengeneza kanda au CD maalum yenye nyimbo nzuri unazozipenda wewe, ili uwe unaipiga wakati wa maombi. Utajikuta unaweza kuomba kwa muda mrefu na kwa bubujiko zuri zaidi
Mwl. Mgisa Mtebe,Bsc Economics
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Mahali: Viwanja vya Jangwani
Mnenaji; Mwalimu  C.Mwakasege


Nini Maana ya Kiti cha Enzi
Ni nafasi ya utawala ambayo iko katika ulimwengu wa Kiroho yenye mamlaka juu ya mwelekeo wa maisha ya watu
Nafasi hii utaikuta katika ngazi tofauti
7.Jamii NK

Kimuonekano kunaweza kukawa na kito cha kawaida mf:kanisan au maaskofu anapokua hayupo huwa kiti chake kinafunikwa au hakiruhusiwi mtu kukalia kwa ishara ya kwamba amepewa heshima na watu wanaomzumguka na anaongea kwa kiti sio kama yy

Mat 23:1,2
Kutok 3:9,10
Kutk 4:12-16

Musa alipokufa kiti chake kiliendelea kubaki na Mungu alimpa Nafasi ili aheshimike Kiroho na kiutawala
Mungu akikupa kiti anaheshim na kusikia maneno yanayotoka kwa Yule aliyeko au aliyekalia kiti Hicho

Mat 22:14
Shetani hana shida na na waitwao anashida na Mteule au wateule
Mf:katika uchaguz wa nafasi au kiti cha Urahis waliopeleka kugombea nafasi izo kutoka katka vyama vyao wao ni wateule katika chama chao ila katka tume ya uchaguz ni waitwao na atakayepita katka na kuwa Rais yy ndio Mteule
Rais akisimikwa ndio anakua mwenykt mana hawz kuwa mwkt akat yuko Rais mwengine ambae bado hajaachia kiti
Ufunuo 3:21
Efeso 2:6
Efeso 1:20
Katikati ya kuchaguliwa na kuketi kuna mapambano kwaiyo huwez kuketi bila kushindana au kupambana
Ufun 13:1,2,7,9
Shetani akikuvuruga katka kusikia kwako kavuruga imani yako
Ni hatari sana kwa kanisa kutegemea upako kuliko kuka katka kiti
Ufunuo 2:12-17
Matend 1:8
Antipas alikua na uwezo wa kuhubir lakin alikua hana mamlaka wa kulinda kazi ya Mungu na usalama katka kile anacho hubir na aliyekaa ktka kiti cha peligamo ni mchungaj wake ambae alikaa katka kiti cha enzi cha shetani
Sifa lakanisa la peligamo hilo walikua na kiburi cha uzima na walikua vuguvugu
Ufunuo 22
Mungu aliweka kiti katika Kiti Hema alilotengenezewa na wana wa israel
Kazi ya kiti ni kutengeneza mazingira ya kiroho na kupitisha mambo na kulinda mambo yaliyopitishwa kiroho
Mf:Wamama walioolewa katka makanisa ambao mume wao amekaa katka kiti cha enzi cha shetani chek viroho vyao
Cheki nchi ambayo wamesema itaongozwa kwa minaji ya kiislam chek wakristo walioko hawana uhuru na usalama wa viroho vyao
Yeremia 1:10
Ukiwa na mamlaka ya kiti au ukikaa katka kiti umepewa mamlaka ya unabomoa na kuvunja
Kama kila anayekataa kiti eidha cha uongoz nani atakayebomoa?na huwez bomoa,kuvunja kama hujakaa katka kiti mana huna mamlaka
Isaya 6:1
Watu wengi wanafikiria kwamba Shetani kawapiga bao ktk huduma yao katka utumish wao na hakuna faina wala manufaa kumbe laa,kuna mtu kakaaa katka icho kiti ambacho kinamfanya awe kipofu na haoni kitu cha Mungu kwasababu hayupo katka kiti
Na huwez kukaa katka kiti au kaama hujapigana au kupamana
Unataka kuona mafanikio katka familia au ofic au kanisan chek kile kiti cha hapo mahali na mpe Mungu nafasi
Asomaye na afahamu

Ufunuo 13:1,2,7,8,9.
Somo hili ni zito kidogo maana kuna wito ndani yake.
Kama tulivyosema jana kiti kinatoa mamlaka.

Soma habari za Joka,alimpa mnyama kiti,Nguvu na uwezo mwingi ili kufanya vita na watakatifu na aliwashinda wengi.Nguvu juu ya kila jamaa na kabila ili Wamwabudu yeye.
Kwa kawaida alitoa nguvu,mamlaka na uwezo mwingi(mamlaka) ili kuwapiga vita watakatifu.
Watakatifu ni nani?Ni yule aliyetengwa ili aweze kufanya kusudi la Mungu.Matakatifu sio tu mtu aliyeokoka au mkristo.
Mtakatifu ni zaidi ya aliyeokoka.si kila aliyeokoka anasimamia kusudi la Mungu.
Inawezakana mtu si mkristo au hajaokoka Mungu anaweza kumtenga kusimamia kusudi.huyu ni mtakatifu.
Mfano :Kama Nebukadreza.kile kiti haikuwa cha shetani ila shetani alifanya kufoji.
Ufunuo 13:Shetani anapiga vita mtu aliyetengwa kwa kusudi.mfano ofisini.hata kama hujaokoka jaribu kutetea haki utaona.
Haki si suala la ukristo ni kanuni za mbingu.
Ufunua 5:9-14.
Nao waimba wimbo mpya......
Yesu alimnunulia Mungu watu wa kila kabila.naye Joka alimpa mnyama nguvu ya kufaya vita na watu wa kila kabila.
Yesu anataka asujudiwe na kila kabila na kila lugha, shetani naye anataka watakatifu waliotengwa na damu ya Yesu na kupambana nao.Pamoja na kwenye ukoo au familia shetani yupo tu anatafuta watakatifu.
Ufalme wa Mungu ni the highest form of government.incomparable
Shetani anang'ang'ana kila mahali.
Ukiokoka Yesu anakupa na shetani naye anawapa watu wake vile vile.
Vitani tunaenda na nguvu na mamlaka ila shetani anakuja na kiti,nguvu na mamlaka.USISAHAU KITI ULICHOPEWA NA YESU VITANI.
Shetani anapambana na watu wasifahamu mamlaka ulionao ndani ya Yesu.
Kula hazikupi utawala bali zinaonyesha unaopendwa kiasi gani.ila mwenye mamlaka ni mwenye kiti.
Ukiwa na nguvu,upako na ufunguo bila kiti unakosa kitu kikubwa sana.
1Kings 2:12
Kiti kinatenga mamlaka ya kiti na kiti
Ufunuo 21:3-5
Yeye aketiye..........
Kutoka 25:17-22.
Kuna tofauti Mungu akisema ukiwa kwenye kiti na ukiwa nje kiti.
Sisi hatupo kwenye hema iliofanywa na mikono ya binadamu.ili viti vyetu ni vya Rohoni.
Farao aliota ndoto lakini Mungu akaifunga asielewe kwa sababu waganga wangejipatia heshima.Ila akamtumia mtu aliyeketi kwenye kiti (Yusufu)
Waebr 4:16.
Ufunuo 20:16.
Yesu aliketi kwenye kiti cha Rehema.ni Yesu yule yule aliketi kwenye kiti cha hukumu.
Kiti kinambadilisha mti.
Mfamo.mpeleke Mke wako akasome U judge halafu uwe MWIZI.
Usicheze na Yesu.
Kuna wakati wa Rehema na hukumu.
Kuna vitu unaweza kura kwa sababu anaketi kwenye kiti.KITI KINATOA.
Matendo 12:1.....
Matendo 11:27-30.
Herode alipokufa Neno lilienea.
Shetani anatumia watu walioko madarakani kuzuia haki,huduma n.k.
Herode alimfunga petro kuwafurahisha wayahudi.
Kiti kilikuwa ni kikwazo kwenye huduma ya mitume.
HERODE si jina la mtu ni jina la CHEO.
Herode namba 2.alikata kichwa cha Yohana mbatizaji.
Herode namba 3.alimuua Yakobo na kumfunga Petro.
Herode namba 4:ni mfalme Agripa.

Inakuwaje kanisa hakuna hat mmoja aliyeketi kwenye kiti na Yesu mnamsukumia nje kama kanisa la LADOKIA.
Walimpiga Mchungaji kondoo wakatawanyika.
Nani anayejua thamani ya Yakobo.nani atakayeomba kwa ajili ya kina Yakobo katika familia,ndoa,ukoo na nchi.
Shetani anapigana na wakristo wasikae kwenye viti.Yesu alikuja na ufalme begani mwake.
Yesu hakuja kupigana vita duniani walishapigana mbiguni na shetani akashindwa.duniani YESU HAKUHITAJI ROUND YA PILI DUNIANI.

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Step ONE
Start with praise worship. You can sing songs to praise God and to worship Him.
Step TWO
Confess out loud Scriptures promising deliverance. Let us run through a few of them:
  • Luke 10:19,
  • Ephesians 1:7,
  • Romans 16:20,
  • Revelation 12:11,
  • Colossians 2:14,15,
  • Galatians 3:13,14,
  • Psalm 91:3.
  • 2 Tim. 4:18 has this to say:
And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto His heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
You must at least memorize this one - 2 Tim. 4:18.
Break covenants and curses to destroy their legal hold. You pray a simple prayer like this:
I break any curse working against me or I break any covenant working against me, in the name of Jesus.
Simple prayer with much result.
Bind all the spirits associated with those covenants and curses like this:
I bind all the spirits attached or connected to the curses and covenants I have just broken, in the name of Jesus.
Lay one hand on your head and the other on your stomach or navel and begin to pray like this:
Holy Ghost fire, burn from the top of my head to the sole of my feet, in the name of Jesus.
Begin to mention every organ of your body; kidney, liver, intestine, blood, etc. You must not rush at this level. Lay your hands on areas that the Spirit of God leads you to. Do not be afraid if you notice that you are swaying or staggering, etc.
Step SIX
Then begin to saturate yourself with the blood of Jesus. You do this by saying:
Blood of Jesus, enter into my spirit, soul and body.
Next you say:
I drink the blood of Jesus.
This must continue until you have a release in your spirit to stop.
It is now, that you are able to demand firmly, in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, that any spirit that is not of God should leave you. You demand it forcefully like this:
In the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, I come against all you hidden spirits and I bind your activities in my life. You can no longer hide below the surface because I now recognize what you have been doing; release me, in the name of Jesus.
If sickness is the problem, address it and say,
You spirit of infirmity, I speak to you directly, get out of my life now. I am redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ, come out and go now. Go out with every breath by the power of the Holy Spirit. I prevail over you, in the name of Jesus.
At this point, you stop talking; open your mouth and nose and begin to breath in and out. Take about three to seven deep breaths, and expel them forcefully through your mouth and nose. You may be surprised that strange things will begin to happen. Repeat this stage again and again. This will help you to flush out any deposit or impurity within your body. You may notice that you are coughing, yawning, sneezing, sweating or shedding tears, but continue and do not loose your concentration.
When you have finished the expulsion stage, you then ask for a fresh in-filling of the Holy Spirit and close the session with praises.
When you are attacked in your dream, rise up and go through the stages I have already mentioned. (Our book "Victory Over Satanic Dreams" can help you further.)
Self-deliverance keeps you from getting sick; it removes every evil seed of the enemy; it charges your body with fire. It uproots evil plantations and builds up your confidence.
Every night before you go to bed, you must remember these three important prayer points.
1. Pray that the walls of fire should surround you. The Bible says:
For I, saith the Lord, will be unto her a wall of fire round about, and will be the glory in the midst of her (Zec. 2:5).
2. Pray for cover with the blood of Jesus.
Rev 12:11: "And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death."
3. Also pray that the angels of God should surround you.
Ps 34:7: "The angel of the LORD encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them."
No matter how sleepy you are, make sure you pray these three prayer points every night.
There is no reason why self-deliverance should not be effective. However, if the person seeking deliverance is under stubborn demonic control or hereditary strongman and lacks sufficient faith or authority to defeat the oppressors or living in any known sin, the evil spirits will defend what they think is their right.
One final word of caution. For a person to be delivered, he must want deliverance. Self deliverance must not be done because of pride, shyness, the fear of possible public embarrassment, etc. Your motive for engaging in self-deliverance has to be pure.
Remember, deliverance is a process and the length of time it takes depends on several things viz:
  • the length of time the spirit has stayed inside a person,
  • the strength and reinforcement of the spirit,
  • the experience and degree of anointing upon those who are ministering the deliverance,
  • the willingness of the person being delivered to be free,
  • the knowledge of the word of God and your level of hatred for sin.
For self-deliverance to be very effective, a great deal of self-discipline is necessary.
Also, remember that bondage can be weak or strong. A weak hold can be broken quickly, whereas a stronghold may take a longer time. You will not realize the strength of a bondage until you faithfully and persistently work on it. You must remember that a foothold can graduate to a stronghold if left unaddressed.
After this exercise, you can set aside some days (with fasting) to pray the following prayer points.

Confession: Col. 2:14, Gal. 3: 13 & 14, 2 Cor. 6 14 - 18, Gal. 6:17, 2 Cor. 5:17
Spend quality time in praise and worship to God.
1. I reject, revoke and renounce my membership with . . .
Jezebel spirit, marine spirit, water spirit, Queen of the coast, mermaid spirit, familiar spirit, witches and wizards, spirits of the dead and all other occult societies, in the name of Jesus.
2. I withdraw and cancel my name from their registers with the blood of Jesus.
3. I reject and renounce all such names given to me in any of the evil associations, in the name of Jesus.
4. I resign my position in any of these associations and withdraw my services and responsibilities permanently, in the name of Jesus.
5. I reject all the evil works I have done to innocent people through my membership with these evil association and ask the Almighty God to forgive me and wash me clean with the blood of Jesus.
6. I purge myself of all evil foods I had eaten in any of the evil associations with the blood of Jesus.
7. I bind you water spirits, marine spirits, queen of the coast, Jezebel spirits, familiar spirits operating in my life with hot chains and fetters of God and cast you out into the deep, and seal you with unquenchable fire of God, in the name of Jesus.
8. I withdraw any part of my body and blood deposited on their evil altars, in the name of Jesus.
9. I withdraw my pictures, image and inner-man from the altars and covens of the evil associations, in the name of Jesus.
10. I return any of the things of evil associations I am connected with, the instruments and any other properties at my disposal for the execution of duties, in the name of Jesus.
11. I hereby confess total separation from the evil associations, in the name of Jesus.
12. Holy Spirit, build a wall of fire round me that will completely make it not possible for these evil spirits to come to me again.
13. I break any covenant binding me with any of these evil associations, in name of Jesus.
14. I break all inherited covenants and all such covenants I consciously and unconsciously entered into, in the name of Jesus.
15. I bind the demons attached to these covenants and cast them into the deep, in the name of Jesus.
16. I resist every attempt to return me back to the evil associations with the blood of Jesus, fire, brimstone and thunder of God.
17. I renounce and revoke all the oaths I took while entering the evil associations, in the name of Jesus.
18. I break and cancel every evil mark, incision, writing placed in my spirit and body as a result of my membership of the evil associations with the blood of Jesus and purify my body, soul and spirit with the Holy Ghost fire, in the name of Jesus.
19. I break all covenants inherited from my ancestors on the father and mother side, in the name of Jesus.
20. Lord, break down every evil foundation of my life and rebuild a new one on Christ the Rock.
21. I command the fire of God to roast and burn to ashes every evil bird, snake, or any other animal attached to my life by the evil association, in the name of Jesus.
22. I dismantle every hindrance, obstacle or blockage put in my way of progress by my involvement in these evil associations, in the name of Jesus.
23. All the doors of blessings and breakthrough shut against me due to my involvement in these evil associations, I command you to open, in the name of Jesus.
1. I break and cancel every inherited curse, in the name of Jesus.
2. Lord, remove from me all the curses placed upon my ancestral families as a result of their evil associations involvement, in the name of Jesus.
3. I break and cancel every curse placed upon me by my parents, in the name of Jesus.
4. I break and cancel every curse, spell, hex, enchantment, bewitchment, incantation placed upon me by my involvement with evil association, in the name of Jesus.
5. I break and revoke every blood and soul-tie covenant and yokes attached to them, in the name of Jesus.
6. I purge myself of all the evil foods I have eaten in the evil world with the blood of Jesus and purify myself with the fire of the Holy Ghost, in the name of Jesus.
7. All demonic spirits attached to all these covenants and curses, be roasted with the fire of God, in the name of Jesus.
8. I declare my body, soul and spirit a-no-go-area for all evil spirits, in the name of Jesus.
1. I divorce and renounce my marriage with the spirit husband or wife, in the name of Jesus.
2. I break all covenants entered into with the spirit husband or wife, in the name of Jesus.
3. I command the thunder fire of God to burn to ashes the wedding gown, ring, photographs and all other materials used for the marriage, in the name of Jesus.
4. I send the fire of God to burn to ashes the marriage certificate, in the name of Jesus.
5. I break every blood and soul-tie covenant with the spirit husband or wife, in the name of Jesus.
6. I send the thunder fire of God to burn to ashes the children born to the marriage, in the name of Jesus.
7. I withdraw my blood, sperm or any other part of my body deposited in the altar of the spirit husband or wife, in the name of Jesus.
8. I bind you spirit husband or wife tormenting my life and earthly marriage with hot chains and fetters of God and cast you out of my life in the depth pit and command you never to come into my life again, in the name of Jesus.
9. I return to you your property in my possession in the spirit world including the dowry and whatsoever was used for the marriage and covenants, in the name of Jesus.
10. I drain myself of all evil materials deposited in my body as a result of our sexual relation with the blood of Jesus.
11. Lord, send Holy Ghost fire into my root and burn out all unclean things deposited in it by the spirit husband and wife, in the name of Jesus.
12. I break the head of snake-deposit by the spirit husband or wife to do me harm and command you to come out, in the name of Jesus.
13. I purge out with the blood of Jesus every evil material deposited into my womb to prevent me from having children on earth.
14. Lord, repair and restore every damage done to any part of my body and my earthly marriage by the spirit husband or wife, in the name of Jesus.
15. I reject and cancel every curse, evil pronouncement, spell, jinx, enchantment and incantation placed upon me by the spirit husband or wife, in the name of Jesus.
16. I take back and possess all my earthly belongings in the custody of the spirit husband or wife, in the name of Jesus.
17. I command the spirit husband or wife to permanently turn his or her back on me forever, in the name of Jesus.
18. I renounce and reject the name given to me by the spirit husband or wife, in the name of Jesus.
19. I hereby declare and confess that the Lord Jesus Christ is my Husband till eternity, in the name of Jesus.
20. I soak myself in the blood of Jesus and cancel the evil mark or writings placed on me, in the name of Jesus.
21. I set myself free from the stronghold and domineering power and bondage of the spirit husband or wife, in the name of Jesus.
22. I paralyse the remote control power being used to destabilise my earthly marriage to hinder my child bearing for my earthly husband or wife, in the name of Jesus.
1. I break every evil covenant with water spirits and the yokes attached to it, in the name of Jesus.
2. I break and cancel every covenant with any idol and the yokes attached to it, in the name of Jesus.
3. I break and cancel any evil covenants entered into by my parents on my behalf and all the yokes attached to them, in the name of Jesus.
4. I command the fire of God to roast the forces of hindrance and obstacles and paralyse their power, in the name of Jesus.
5. Lord, let the Holy Ghost effect immediate breakthrough in every area of my life, in the name of Jesus.
6. I confess that my deliverance shall remain permanent never to be reversed again, in the name of Jesus.
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